Touristic places

1. Minas de sal de Nemocón, Cundinamarca
Nemocón is a town in Cundinamarca famous for its great mining activity. A few kilometers from Bogotá, you can get to this place to explore the salt mines that are open to the public, where you can appreciate the incredible adequate bodies of water with beautiful lighting.

2. Parque Nacional Natural El Tuparro, Vichada

El Tuparro National Natural Park is a great natural reserve in the Vichada department that offers visitors beautiful rivers, a great variety of vegetation, the possibility of seeing jaguars, tapirs and animals of the region, in addition to hundreds of species of birds .
3. Punta Gallinas, La Guajira

Visiting the extreme north of the country and the South American continent is an incomparable experience. Punta Gallinas offers spectacular landscapes through deserts, beaches, bays with pink flamingos and giant golden sand dunes..
4. Caño Cristales, Meta

Located in the Sierra de la Macarena in Meta, is Caño Cristales, called by many tourism portals internationally as the "most beautiful river in the world". This is due to the various colors that can be seen in the background thanks to the presence of aquatic plants that give it those characteristic shades.
5. Reserva Río Claro, Antioquia
Three hours from the Antioquia capital is Río Claro, a beautiful reserve where you can see the passage of the river in the middle of a canyon with beautiful marble formations. In Río Claro you can do activities such as rafting, canopy, cave exploration and bird watching.

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